The Ten Day Challenge!

I had a great visit with an old teaching friend last night. We reminisced about events, talked shop and discussed plans, methods, and ideas. I think he was surprised by my current business adventure. But agreed it makes sense. I have much to offer others, finding the audience is never really difficult, it’s finding the right audience that sometimes takes time.

In my desire to assist others in building strong business bases I decided to offer myself a challenge. 10 days to find 15 20 clients willing to take a limited edition class that lasts 6-8 weeks, using only the social media and FREE advertising. It is a big challenge and I will continue to write about my success- the lessons learned and things I would do differently next time.

I began last Friday- All my years in education came in handy as pulling the curricula together took two days.

Sunday was writing copy, content, and researching potential businesses. Yes, that is correct, my thoughts are that if I can teach an established business while offering to assist with editing I am hitting two target markets at once.

Monday was a busy one. This has been the longest piece of the puzzle thus far, as I am researching each company and tailoring my introductory letter to their needs.This has been the longest piece of the puzzle thus far, as I am researching each company and tailoring my introductory letter to their needs as best I can- based on the information available. I am finding this to not really be an effective use of time but essential in building relationships and trust.

Today has been tying up loose ends with marketing and social media. And tomorrow will be back to writing and promoting. If I stumble across something else I will share it in the next post.